26. May 2015 · Comments Off on How to treat tinnitus naturally · Categories: Uncategorized

If you start hearing ringing or other various noises in one or both of your ears, it is a symptom of a hearing disorder commonly referred to as tinnitus.

In most instances, ringing in the ears is often an outcome of damage to the ends of the nerves in your ears. The persistent buzzing sounds, which can be of high or low pitch, can be really irritating and disrupting your ability to correct perceiving incoming sounds.

ringing ears

While this ringing ears of yours could generally goes off by itself in a couple of hours, it may also return as a consistent ringing sounds hovering in your eardrums during unexpected hours. (of course, that will be in those silent nights where you desperately need some peaceful rest).

Fortunately there are some proven natural WAYS that you can do to provide tinnitus relief.

How to treat tinnitus naturally?

Ginkgo biloba, a natural plant, had been proven to aid in enhancing the flow of blood to your neck, head and brain. In addition, it can also heal any form of inflammation in the blood vessels, promoting better blood flow to the nerves surrounding your ear canals. Ginkgo biloba is readily available in a form of supplements in all pharmacy. Do note that taking ginkgo biloba is not going to be a quick fix for your tinnitus distress. It requires time to relieve the ringing symptom.


Watch your diet. What you eat will have an adverse effect on your ringing ears distress. Steer clear of foods or beverages that comes with high content of sugar, eg. carbonated drinks, chocolate or sweet bars. By controlling your blood glucose levels within regular parameters, it helps to regulate the fluidic balance in your ears, thus minimizing any ringing ears flare up.

Some physical conditions, such as ear infections or allergies, wax accumulation, a hole in the eardrum, along with heart conditions, and any injury to the head or neck can cause tinnitus. It is very important to discover the underlying physical condition that may be causing your ringing ears disorder. For my case, I found that it was the thick earwax in my eardrums that is causing my tinnitus nightmare.

It is well known that anxiety and stress can easily exacerbate the level of ringing in your ears. It is undeniable that in this modern society, tension and anxiety is going to be part of your lifestyle. You will need to learn ways to unwind yourself, prevent them from triggering your tinnitus. Exercise such as yoga, hypnotherapy or deep meditation work well in unwinding yourself . Even a slow stroll in the park or listening to your favorite music do help.


Ringing in the ears is not a life threatening condition, but it does cause much discomfort and tension in your routine life. You will keep experiencing that relentless buzzing in the ear all day long, especially during each silent night.

Fortunately by following the natural approaches listed HERE, you can swiftly end your suffering for good!

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