14. November 2015 · Comments Off on How to cope with tinnitus · Categories: Uncategorized

For tens of millions of Americans with tinnitus, there’s a constant ringing, buzzing, hissing, humming or other noise in their ears that isn’t real.

ringing ears

If you are one of those who experiences an occasional ringing (or roaring, hissing, buzzing, or tinkling) in your ears, and the sound which usually lasts only a few minutes does not get better or go away, you could be having what is known as tinnitus (ringing ears).

Many people suffering from tinnitus may experience hearing loss because of wax buildup in the ears. The American Tinnitus Association suggests visiting an audiologist to have your ears checked and the condition assessed before taking more aggressive measures. When excess ear wax is removed, some hearing may be regained reducing the interference and noise from the tinnitus.

This method may also reduce the ringing in your ears. Place the palms of your hands over your ears with fingers resting gently on the back of your head. Your middle fingers should point toward one another just above the base of your skull. Place your index fingers on top of you middle fingers and snap them (the index fingers) onto the skull making a loud, drumming noise. Repeat 40-50 times. Some people experience immediate relief with this method. Repeat several times a day for as long as necessary to reduce tinnitus.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba helps increase blood flow to the neck, head and brain. Additionally, it reduces inflammation in blood vessels, promoting better circulation to the capillaries feeding the nerves surrounding the ear. Taking ginkgo is not a fast fix for tinnitus, and it takes time to relieve the problem. It’s best to use it in combination with other remedies to relieve ringing or other noises in the ears from tinnitus.

It’s a fact that curing Tinnitus can never be achieved by tackling one of the many factors responsible for your ringing in the ears. If you’ve ever tried to cure your Tinnitus using a one-dimensional treatment such as drugs, herbal supplements or even detox diets and failed, it’s probably because you have tackled only one aspect of the disease.

You will need to learn the way to cure Tinnitus for good, the holistic way, and prevent the formation of your ringing ears by adopting the approaches listed HERE!